The proposed development was for the demolition of the existing public house and its replacement on a similar footprint with a 3 and 4 storey building comprising of 11 number 1, 2 and 3 bedroom flats (including 1 flat on the ground floor which can be easily adaptable to a fully accessible wheelchair unit), cycle and refuse storage including recycling.
The massing of the proposed building sits comfortably within the streetscape and is subservient to the neighbouring 5 storey high rise buildings. The corner of the building being at 4 storeys provides a focal point as the building steps down to 3 storeys along Ely Road. The building has a comfortable relationship with the diverse range of buildings and building heights in the immediate area.
The flats are arranged so as to follow the existing building footprint and extend to the northern boundary of the site. Consideration has been given to the design of the doors, windows and roof line making reference to the architectural detail of buildings in the vicinity of the site.
The majority of the roof spaces is to be used for the provision of Solar and Photovoltaic panels.
Robinson Kenning & Gallagher were initially commissioned by Spurgeonís College to prepare design proposals for key worker accommodation blocks on a previous Petrol Station which fronted onto the busy A Road, South Norwood Hill.
The site was purchased by Metropolitan Housing & RKG developed planning drawings and successfully gained planning approval for affordable housing accommodation to meet the local boroughs requirements.
The Scheme comprised of 36 apartments, over 3 no. separate residential blocks, with on site parking & raised external amenity space to the front & rear.
The Project was designed and developed in close liaison with the local borough council.
Robinson Kenning & Gallagher were introduced to this project at an early planning stage to work with the contractor - Durkan, Housing Association and other consultants to construct the affordable housing element of the residential part of the redevelopment to create the new Arsenal football ground named The Emirates.
Newlon Housing Trust were the association developing this part of the overall project but extensive consultation was required to ensure continuity of design.
The affordable housing element is block L of the overall scheme and sits next to one of the main entrances to the stadium.
The accommodation is for twenty four units from one bedroom to six bedroom dwellings on four, five and six floors all with balconies.
Robinson Kenning & Gallagher were initially commissioned by the Housing Trust to prepare design proposals for the site and subsequently by Mizen Design / Build Ltd who were contracted to develop the site.
The Scheme comprised a block of 20 apartments with communal facilities and basement parking together with a terrace of 6 No. 3 bedroom Link-Detached homes with integral garages for sale in the private sector.
Robinson Kenning & Gallagher’s commission was subsequently extended to include production of building regulations and construction drawings.
The Project was designed and developed in close liaison with the local borough council